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Educational robot

Solution description

    With YDLIDAR G series, X series and other cost-effective lidar sensors as the core, it provides navigation and obstacle avoidance solutions for educational robot cars. This solution is characterized by strong adaptability, simple operation, low cost, and rich use documentation with instant technical support.

Applicable Products
Program Features
  • 1

    Good performance

  • 2

    low cost

  • 3

    high cost performance

  • 4

    360-degree scanning ranging

  • 5

    small ranging error

  • 6

    good ranging stability

  • 7

    small size. high accuracy

  • 8

    wide ranging range: no less than 8m

  • 9

    low power consumption

  • 10

    stable performance

  • 11

    Long life

  • 12

    rich usage information and technical support

Customers cases