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  • Range Frequency 10000-18000Hz
  • Scan Frequency 5-12Hz
  • Range Distance 0.12-16m
  • Scan Angle 360°
  • Angle Resolution 0.1-0.24°
  • Size Φ72.3*41.2mm
  • Up to 18000Hz Sampling rate

    Max. range frequency of G6 is 18000 HZ.
    It could detect details of surrounding and small objects,


  • Up to 16m detection radius

    With longer detection radius, it could provide information in farther distance,
    thus guarantee detecting and mapping in a wider space.


  • Opto-magnetic wireless communication & power supply

    Combined with wireless opto-magnetic wireless communication and power supply,
    it avoids abrasion and failure due to physical contact which lead to short product life,
    achieved lossless data communication.

  • Image processing software

    YDLIDAR G6 has adopted self-developed image processing accelerator YDImage 4.0,
    with scan frequency up to 18000 HZ, it could get more intensive data for precise mapping.

  • Applications

    Mapping 丨 Obstacle Avoidance 丨 Screen Interaction 丨 3D Reconstruction 丨 Regional Security 丨 Aided Localization