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  • Range Frequency 28Hz
  • Scan Frequency -
  • Range Distance 25-300mm
  • Scan Angle 100°
  • Angle Resolution 0.6°
  • Size 25.6*23.6*10.8mm
  • Ultra wide FOV to assist robot vacuum cleaner through blind spots

    Field of View up to 100 degrees, Wide range of detection
    YDLIDAR provides 808nm and 850nm two waveband options, and the detection signals do not interfere with each other. Two FOVs for better scanning results.

  • Obstacle avoidance along the wall with performance improvement

    The GS2 can obtain more measurement information in the vertical direction, helping smart devices such as robot vacuum cleaner and service robots with accurate real-time monitoring of the edge, efficiently complete multiple difficult tasks such as accurate

  • Compact and light, flexible installation

    The size of the whole device is only 25.6 (L) × 23.6 (H) × 10.8 (W) mm, which can be flexibly and easily integrated into various small smart devices. It can fully meet the refined detection needs of intelligent equipment such as robot vacuum cleaner and s

  • Multiple authoritative certifications, high safety performance

  • Applications