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Robot cleaner

Solution description

By providing low-cost, high-lifetime, small-sized, high-stability lidar, it helps intelligent sweeping robots easily implement application solutions such as mapping, obstacle avoidance and navigation. According to customer requirements and specifications, Lidar relies on higher ranging frequency, scanning frequency and angular resolution to generate point cloud images to assist the sweeper in identifying the task area and achieving tasks.

Applicable Products
Program Features
  • 1

    360 ° all-round scanning

  • 2

    small size

  • 3

    low power consumption

  • 4

    long life

  • 5

    high ranging accuracy

  • 6

    good stability

  • 7

    laser Class I safety standard

  • 8

    strong ability to resist ambient light interference

  • 9

    high speed ranging: sampling rate up to 5000Hz

Customers cases